Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Our First Day!

Hello out there in cyberspace!

Welcome to our first day of Grade 5.  Today we had a very busy and productive day.  We met our new teacher (Ms. Pike), our new classmates, and started to make some decisions about our classroom.

One of our first orders of business was to decide if we wanted a class blog, a twitter account, or both.  We paired up and told our partners what we thought of the idea.  Then as a class we shared our reasons for "yes" we should have one or "no" we should not have one.  After much discussion we decided that we should have a class blog but not a twitter account.

We then worked in a table group to create some possible names for our blog.  We wanted something that was easy to type and not too long.  Each table brainstormed ideas and then voted on what they thought the best one at each table was.  We then put these possibilities on a chart and talked about the pros and cons of each one.  When we were done we had narrowed it down to two possible choices.  We then took a class vote to see which one we liked the best....
Our winner was bjpsgaret5p2!  BJPS stands for Bellmere Jr. Public School, the Garet comes from a French word for grade and the P2 is the portable we are in.  A great class collaboration!
Just a reminder that the package that was sent home today needs to be filled out and returned to the school by Friday at the latest.  This is important information about your child, and needs to be updated each school year.